When taken correctly, board minutes can be an important instrument for your business. They provide proof that a meeting occurred and record the decisions taken, however, they also provide legal documents that can be used in the event of litigation. Taking effective board minutes is board room no small task, however. A simple oversight can result in an arduous legal battle on your hands.

A little know-how goes an extremely long way when you’re writing minutes of meetings. It is important to know not only what information to include, but also what not to include. It is important to record an objective, impartial account of the meeting without spouting off or declaring personal disagreements. It’s a good idea take notes during the meeting. However, don’t include any discussions that weren’t on the agenda.

The format of board minutes varies by organization, but the essential information required is as follows: Attendance (note who was in attendance, including board members, guests and observers) and the status of quorum (note whether there was a quorum present at the moment of the vote) agenda items and order of business, report presentations, resolutions and dissenting votes. A final note should record if notice was provided or not and any actions taken and next steps.

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