As your business grows it is important to make your business as efficient as is possible. This means maximising outputs (like products services, revenue, and products) and reducing inputs. The main factor in success is getting more from your resources.

However, there is the difference between being efficient and being effective. In the long run, focusing on efficiency over effectiveness could actually put your business in jeopardy. If you’re focusing on streamlining internal processes, it’s important to be careful not to cut corners in areas like safety and quality. This could result in issues that don’t get addressed in time and then grow into larger issues that could cost you more in the long run.

It is best to focus on creating internal processes that are adaptable and reliable. You can do this by developing repeatable and reliable solutions to common issues in your workflow. This will ensure that the customer experience is as smooth as possible throughout the buyer’s journey starting with initial engagement and continuing to customer satisfaction.

Establishing a culture of communication and transparency within your organization will assist in increasing the efficiency of your business. This will allow your employees to spot possible bottlenecks and share these issues so that they can be addressed before they turn into larger problems. It’s recommended to document each process your departments use regardless of how simple or complicated. This will help you pinpoint areas where efficiency can be improved, and also provide an approach that others could follow if your typical executors are not available.

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